25 September 2007

ends justify the means

i like listening to the smart people in class.

I found out that the study abroad program I want to do is being held in Tanzania. I immediately googled traveling and safety tips for traveling in Tanzania, and what I found was not good.

The central areas of the larger cities (e.g. Dar Es Salaam, Zanzibar) have a criminal element that preys on unwary tourists! Do not walk alone in apparently deserted places especially at night; wherever possible walk with a group. Be on the look out for pickpockets and bag snatchers. Do not carry more cash than required. Do not wear jewellery. Wear a money belt that fits under your clothes. Don't carry a lot of camera equipment especially in the major cities. Keep a photocopy of the first few pages of your passport, visas and air tickets, separately from the original documents. Beware of thieves posing as police officers.

So now I don't know what to do! Go to an unsafe third world country for two weeks? or be a bum at home for two weeks?

This week has been going by quickly and I like it.

As I sit in this international public health class, I'm thinking I want to go to a third world country after graduation. After I graduate, I won't know what to do.. unless i already have a full time job (i can only dream/dread)

so here are options I have for the future:

Find a full time job
Find a good internship and keep my normal job
Decide what to get my master's in
-- either MBA or MHA
--- and if MBA: i'll have to apply for that program
if MHA: start school (again) right after graduation

Or, if I get to graduate/walk and still have one more class to take, I can just do my internship class?

continuing my list..

Travel to Australia or France or anywhere where I can do volunteer work or find a good internship related to healthcare/public health/ public relations
((find someone to travel with))
Live in San Francisco, Boston, or New York for a semester/couple of months and find a relevant internship there

so many options!!!

Hopefully I'm still driven by then.

and as much as I keep dreaming of having my own apartment, I realize there is no need to at all. As idyllic as it sounds, I have almost everything I need right at home... so why bother?


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cerritos, ca, United States