25 October 2007

sucky journalist

i had to change nychel's name because i already used her in one of my older articles-- but i finally got front page- even though they didn't give me proper credit for the article i wrote!

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john lennon tonight!

03 October 2007


busy busy months up ahead :)

i think things will slow down at the end of January

-Rosarito, Halloween, birthdays

-SF, Thanksgiving, Black Friday

-SG/Vegas, Chrisnice, Christmas

-New Years, Mary's Birthday, Winter Session o_O, Spring Semester

I have opted to take a winter class in lieu of the no-go on Africa. So for 3 weeks, I'll have class M-F. suxors. ha

okay i'm going to enjoy my pirates booty.

02 October 2007

come on people

i was caught a little offguard when only a third of the class showed up on the due date for a big assignment.


avoid trifling conversation

About Me

cerritos, ca, United States