19 April 2008

what happened to xanga

i really like that the blogosphere is at its peak right now.

i like being able to read what people i know or know of write about.

26 February 2008


I always enjoy playing telephone.

Today we played in class and I was last.. so I said.. "You are a query" because that's what I heard.

Then I found out the original message was "avoid fruits and nuts- you are what you eat."


I'm sick and it's 86 degrees outside.
When did this happen?!

19 February 2008

devoid of any sense of time management

the view from my bed:

(check out my hamper)

i could & should be cleaning right now.

why can't i find a boy who is NOT annoying!

02 January 2008

blue is the new green, tequila is the new wine, gphone is the iPhone

James Walter Thompson Co. (JWT), the fourth largest advertising company in the world, recently released it's list of 80 Things to Watch for in 2008.

Take a gander:
1. Africa (foreign investment and development in)
2. Antibiotic backlash
3. Assisted marriage
4. Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics
5. Blue replacing green as the environmental movement’s color du jour
6. Brain exercises
7. British actress Keira Knightley
8. Carbon tax
9. Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang
10. Classical musician Gustavo Dudamel
11. Climate sightseeing
12. Continuation of comebacks (Indiana Jones, The Cure, etc.)
13. Cooperative consumption
14. Couch surfing
15. Country branding (Oman, Indonesia, etc.)
16. Designer Phillip Lim
17. De-teching
18. DJ Tiesto
19. DNA-based exercising
20. E-clutter (and e-clutter consultants)
21. Eco-fatigue
22. E-mail etiquette
23. Facebook suicides
24. Fashion label Vena Cava
vena cava
25. Foreign government investment (e.g., China, UAE) in U.S. companies
26. French President Nicolas Sarkozy
27. Game 3.0 (gamer-generated global gaming)
28. Google’s Android
29. Gossip Girl
30. Gphone
31. Green weddings
32. Higher education online
33. Hip-hop’s Retro Kids
34. Humbling of the hedge fund manager (anti-excess post sub-prime)
35. Hybrid taxis
36. Indian actress Deepika Padukone
37. Intellectual luxury
38. Investigating ingredients
39. Japanese designs (Tsumori Chisato, Uniqlo, Muji, etc.)
40. Kitchen appliances as new power tools
41. Lifestyle curators
42. Lipstick trumping lip gloss
43. Manga-inspired clothes
44. Mobile technology explosion
45. Mobulimia
46. Music as awareness driver; concerts and other residuals as cash cow
47. Musicovery (music tailored to moods)
48. Myanmar
49. Nollywood (the rise of Nigerian cinema)
50. Outsourcing to Ukraine (and other Eastern European countries)
51. Pakistan’s Benazir Bhutto
52. Pantone’s 18-3943 (blue iris)
53. Pets in the office
54. Prius homes
55. Radical transparency
56. Radiohead repeats (name-your-own-price music)
57. Recycling into fashion (Nau, Gary Harvey, etc.)
58. Selfless as the new selfish
59. Sex and the City, the movie
60. Shiny Toy Guns (the band)
61. Skiing in novel spots (Kashmir, Japan, Greenland, Russia, Korea, etc.)
62. Single men saying no to sex
63. Skype sex
64. Smart Cars in American cities
65. SNS (social network service) brand communities
66. Spanish actor Javier Bardem
67. Staycations
68. Sturking
69. Tequila as the new wine
70. The N-11
71. Third screen (the mobile screen) rivaling the first screen (TV: 23.78, -0.08, -0.33%)
72. Trans-entertainment
73. U.S. gymnast Shawn Johnson
74. U.S. presidential election
75. Vicarious consumption
76. (Video) Gaming Olympics
77. Virtual gifting
78. Wannabe young Internet entrepreneurs (a.k.a. Mark Zuckerberg copycats)
79. Weak dollar/strong euro
80. Women juggling men

07 November 2007

goodbye humpday

hello weekend!

although the beginning of the week was whatev (nights were fun though) i am anticipating the weekend which begins at 10:50am tomorrow! well maybe after i get off of work at 6 it'll really begin.

i stayed the longest i've ever stayed at work- but it was quite eventful. I'm not going to go into great detail because what I find amusing, other may find boring, and I know being able to say whatever you want is at the forefront of all a blog stands for but I honestly don't feel like typing about it.


It's always funny to learn that co workers, past school mates, etc. are habitual drug users, mainly because you it's always the person you least expected. (which is almost always true) perfect, or not so perfect example, moi.

Closer Connections.

I read this somewhere and it was funny at the time:

With alcohol, it's a poison that's entering your body and making you feel 'drunk'.
You have : liver failure, liver deterioration, alcohol poisoning (can cause death)
With weed, you have : build up of all sorts of shit in the lungs, breathing problems. That's it. Nothing to die from, whatsoever.
If ANYONE, EVER says that someone has died from weed, they're lying. It is IMPOSSIBLE to die directly from smoking the buddha stank. You WILL pass the fuck out before you get to the point where you have an overdose of THC.

While the latter is a little appeasing, I happen to consume/intake/inhale both.

my favorite part of that thing i found online was : " You WILL pass the fuck out "
it reminded me of "Don't have sex. You will get pregnant. You will die."

I can't help but be excited when things go well. I got a cover story for my marquee article. Even though it's just the Cypress Chronicle woo hoo (circulation is probably something along the lines of.... 20- not really though) it's still makes me feel like as if I've found my niche. (but I'm not into it- it being news reporting)

change of proposed life plan:

work in the city so i have a reason to move in with someone

i'm a little distracted so tootles.

06 November 2007

au natural

today my professor's laptop wasn't working with the LCD screen so she asked the class if anyone wanted to lend their laptop for the duration of the class. I would have done it, except last time I readily handed my laptop to be used for academic purposes, I forgot that everyone would see my desktop, which happened to be an embarrassing picture at the time.


05 November 2007

thug means not having to apologize

school shizz
loopholes loopholes loopholes

I'm an introvert, intuitive, feeler, judger. INFG= Idealist

sometime I don't know if I can believe these personality tests. My results rarely directly match up to my career choice. Apparently I should be something along the lines of Gandhi, Eleanor Roosevelt, Princess Diana, or Mikhael Gorbachev.

it's november already!

halloween is over but i thought this was cute
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cherchez la femme

avoid trifling conversation

About Me

cerritos, ca, United States